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It's time for an update on our Education Programme!

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Students from Turnbull High School and Bishopbriggs Academy are working with the Balmuildy Primary School project delivery partners to provide a new sensory garden at Auchinairn ELCC - from concept design through to completion.

BakerHicks engaged with the students in their mechanical & electrical workshop. Whilst the Auchinairn ELCC project has little M&E requirement our aim is for the students to experience a holistic design and construct process. The team provided a brief overview of building services engineering, the importance of building services engineering and the key components when delivering a Primary School.

The students now have an understanding of the primary roles and responsibilities of the team members within the building services team and wider design team.

The team also provided an overview of Low Zero Carbon Technologies (LZCT) and how these will be implemented on the Balmuildy Primarcy School project before the students took part in a practical exercise looking at thermal modelling.

Stay tuned for more updates as our students start to bring our project to life!

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