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Terms and Conditions

Registered company information

Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd
A company registered in England and Wales
Company number: 4273754
Registered office:
Kent House
14-17 Market Place

Morgan Sindall Group plc
A company registered in England and Wales
Company number: 521970
Registered office:
Kent House
14-17 Market Place

All pages of this website are subject to copyright and Morgan Sindall Construction asserts its right to be identified as the author of all such material.

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We will not pass your details to anyone else outside Morgan Sindall Group plc without your permission.

Whilst Morgan Sindall Construction takes all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of the information contained throughout the website, we are not able to guarantee its accuracy in all respects. Unfortunately, errors of omission or commission may arise. Accordingly, whilst the information is provided in good faith it can only be for guidance.

Potential investors should make their own enquiries and searches and take appropriate independent professional advice as necessary. Nothing in this disclaimer should be construed as indifference on the part of Morgan Sindall Construction as to the accuracy of the above information - the company is committed to best practice in the administration of this website.